Thursday, December 06, 2007

A reason we are so glad to live in our house......Mack can play outside in the snow with the neighbor kids and he love every second of it. It was very funny....he looked like the little boy off the Christmas story! He could barely walk. The other pic is of him being goofy on the desk in the office while I was on the computer and the last one is of him going potty!! He has done so well.....I think it may have something to do with the fact that Chris and I keep telling him, "Santa really likes little boys who go potty in the big boy potty!" Paula, our sister-in-law who watches Mack during the day, is also very impressed and happy with his potty training. He has had, for the most part, dry pants for a couple days now! YEAH:)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I am happy to report that Mack went potty in the big boy potty a few times today and is wearing big boy undies:) Let's hope it continues!! GO Mack Daddy!!
On Thursday, we stopped over and had dinner and spent some time with Miss Sally and Corrie. We went there just before we went to Wartburg's first home wrestling meet this year against Loras. It was great to see Corrie and Sally! Mack and Sally had fun playing together and cheesing for the camera! Can't wait to do it again:)

Chris turned the big "32"on Thursday, Nov. 29th! Since W'burg had a wrestling meet on his b-day, Chris opened his b-day presents the night before with some help from you know who! Also, you will see Mack dancing to "Baby Got Back" Our Direct TV has XM radio on it so when Chris was channel flipping, he came to this and Mack busted out dancing on the hearth of our fireplace, it was HILARIOUS! We definitely got the video camera out for that one! He also was saying how big his muscles have gotten since he turned "3"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mack's 3rd B-day was a fun the pics are he and his Iowa "gurlfwend" Shaye, the group shot is Avery, Alec, Cade and Shaye (our next door neighbors) with Mack, and the rest are some shots of Mack opening his gifts. Thank you to those who got him something and came to his party!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Yesterday at Thanksgiving, Mack got some gifts for his 3rd birthday. Lisa got his a remote control Sheriff, Mike, Laurie and boys gave him $5 for his savings account and Aunt Lori (his godmother), Ray, and kids got him a remote control Ford Mustang and a cute Adidas outfit:)

Mack says thank you!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jolynn & Adam stopped on their way back to Chicago from Waverly to see us and drop off Mack's 3 yr b-day gift! He loved it and is hooking up every trailer back to back to one another so it looks more like a train than farm equipment! It's funny! Always great to see them and spend time with them...I miss her! Mack says "Thank you" for the cool birthday present:)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I couldn't wait to decorate for Christmas. All my stuff has been packed away since the 2005 Christmas since we were building last year and didn't do any decorating! I loved every second of it and am now wondering what else I can decorate. Chris took advantage of the warm days these last couple weekends and got all the outside lights up as well. We are ready for Santa....especially Mack! It is so fun this year because he is sooo into it...can't wait:)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

We are completely in and have closed on our townhouse:) Thank you to all that helped us move in. You guys made it go very smooth and quick and for that Chris and I thank you all very much!! I have some more interior shots to take but here are a few I have already taken. Many of you have asked me to update it so I finally found some time to do it. Externally, we are currently working on pouring a patio in the back of our house, working on landscaping and in September will be working on growing a lawn...that'll be nice!! Internally, we, I should say Chris, is working on mudding and taping the basement rooms so they can get sprayed. Everything is unpacked, that needed to be and hung up on the walls so we are enjoying our ONE house and focusing on making a home we'll live in for quite some time. Please feel free to stop by and say hi anytime, we would love to have you!

Mom and I with Chris and Ron's help, planted 80 bushes and perennials in 2 1/2 days! It was a lot of hardwork but we had a great time doing it! We still need to add rock but are waiting on a price for our border. Only about 1/2 way done but it looks great thanks to the help of my mother:)

You can see before and after pics of our backyard. It tooks us a weekend each side to get through all the brush, thorny bushes and clean through all the dead trees, limbs, and branches but as you can see the outcome was worth it! It was extremely hardwork!