Saturday, August 04, 2007

We are completely in and have closed on our townhouse:) Thank you to all that helped us move in. You guys made it go very smooth and quick and for that Chris and I thank you all very much!! I have some more interior shots to take but here are a few I have already taken. Many of you have asked me to update it so I finally found some time to do it. Externally, we are currently working on pouring a patio in the back of our house, working on landscaping and in September will be working on growing a lawn...that'll be nice!! Internally, we, I should say Chris, is working on mudding and taping the basement rooms so they can get sprayed. Everything is unpacked, that needed to be and hung up on the walls so we are enjoying our ONE house and focusing on making a home we'll live in for quite some time. Please feel free to stop by and say hi anytime, we would love to have you!

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