Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Doug, Mike & Chris got done the basement/walkout all enclosed on Friday, November 24th.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Our builders, Doug & Mike Reiter started on Tuesday, Nov. 21st and they didn't mess around! Also, the garage floor was poured and the septic work began on the 22nd. Here is the work they got done in two days by Doug, Mike and Chris (helped on Wed after school). With it being Thxgiving week they were off on Thurs. but hard at it again on Friday the 24th with Chris's help again. I will post the Friday's (24th) progress asap. They got a ton done on Friday!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

On Nov. 14th, Webb Concrete got the basement floor poured and Larry Federspiel got all the back filling done so it is starting to take shape. Larry had to bring in about 10 loads of black dirt to fill in the front stoop area. Next week will be a big progress week. The basement floor gets poured as well as the well getting drilled, septic put in, and Doug, our builder, starts. The first picture is a front shot of the house and gargage from the street, the second it a top view from the garage wall I was standing on, the last two shots are of the house from the back side. One is the left side and one the right side views.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

On Nov. 6th, they put the forms up for all the walls as you can see in the bottom two pictures. The bottom picture is a shot of the garage from a front of the lot view. The picture second to the bottom is a shot of the back of the house where the walkout will be. It was taken from the left rear side of the house. On Nov. 7th, they poured the walls and the next day they took the forms off to expose the walls. The top picture is a shot of the front of the garage, the second picture is a shot of the back of the house showing where the walkout will be, and the third picture gives you a good idea of the whole layout. The house and garage form an L-shape with a stoop/porch in front of the house where the dining room, entry way and den will be. On Nov. 8th & 9th, the plumber and electrician were out doing their work to trench in the plumbing and wiring before the flat work on the basement is done.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

We closed on our construction loan on Oct 31st so we were underway shortly there after...Literally! We met the Scott Webb, our cement guy, out at the lot on Nov. 1st to get the house laid out with stakes. The escavator was there on Nov. 2nd and began digging the basement, garage and pulling out all those tree stumps we cut down. The Cement guys were back out on November 3rd building the footings and getting them poured.

Throughout the month of September & October, Chris and I spent our Sunday's weed eating, trimming and chopping down trees and then stacking the wood. Here you will see some pictures of how many trees and our wood stacks! It was a lot of work but well worth it!

Ortner House Project Begins!

Our house project began on Sept. 1st when we closed on our lot (#7) in Shady Grove-The Timbers addition. For those of you who are unaware of this location, the lot is just 6 miles south of Jesup on V65.
Shortly there after we began cutting down several Walnut trees on the lot to make way for the deck and rear of the house. After completing that, we patiently waited for the rest of our bids to come in, the appraisal, flood cert and bank to give us the go ahead to begin.